Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Racism in football

Principal lecturer, Dr Daniel Burdsey’s paper on two significant incidents of racism from the 2011–2012 English Premier League football season has recently been published. Read more…

All aboard the Bluebell Railway

Students on the Tourism and Social Anthropology MA at the School of Sport and Service Management spent a day off campus to undertake fieldwork. The students spent time at Beachy Head, Bateman’s (the home of Rudyard Kipling) and then took a ride on the Bluebell Railway.

Overtime online hits the streets!

The latest edition of the Eastbourne Herald will feature a four-page sport supplement written and produced by our very own Sport Journalism degree students. The supplement is a special print edition of the student’s website, Overtimeonline, which has been recognised by the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) as one of the top four student…

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Success for final year Sport and Exercise Science Student!

Sport and Exercise Science BSc(Hons) student Hannah Peters (pictured far right) has won a coveted place on the highly competitive NHS Scientist Training Programme. The salaried graduate-entry programme will see Hannah working in Cardiac Science at the Hampshire Hospital Trust and will lead to a senior healthcare scientist role.

Football 4 Peace May Challenge Camp

Boys and girls from Eastbourne and Hastings came together during the school half term holidays in May to take part in the Football 4 Peace Challenge Camp at The School of Sport and Service Management in Eastbourne. As part of the University of Brighton’s widening participation scheme, they participated in a range of physical activities designed to…

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Postgraduate students enjoy a 5-star tea party

School of Sport and Service Management postgraduate students were invited to afternoon tea in the Culinary Arts Studio to celebrate the end of the taught element of their courses. Students from each postgraduate course attended and enjoyed an impressive spread as well as provide the opportunity to socialise with course leaders Dr Clare Weeden, Dr Jeanne Dekerle,…

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Journalism course leader interviewed on Talksport

Rob Steen, co-course leader of Sport Journalism BA(Hons), was interviewed today on the Hawksbee and Jacobs show on Talksport to discuss his new book Floodlights and Touchlines: A History of Spectator Sport. You can listen to the interview here, Rob’s interview commences at 02:35:

Success for Hospitality Consultants who are ready to fly!

The Hospitality Consultancy module provided final year International Hospitality Management students with an opportunity to work on briefs for two very unique clients. Students were delighted to work with Monscierge, an international software company specialising in innovative hospitality solutions, and The Clink Charity, who work to reduce re-offending rates of ex-offenders by training and placing…

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Accreditation success for Journalism

The National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ), the professional body for journalism, visited the School of Sport and Service Management on 19 May to undertake a review of our accreditation.

Congratulations to our winners!

On 21 May the School of Sport and Service Management held its annual student exhibition which provided a marvellous illustration of outstanding hard work and attainment. 

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