Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Postgraduate students in charity run

Seven postgraduate students from the School of Sport and Service Management at the University of Brighton will be joining Team Willmott this September to raise funds for the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association.

How to score a penalty

Our sport experts believe they have worked out the best way to score penalties at the 2014 World Cup. The essential ingredient to scoring a World Cup penalty – play the fool.

New partnership with INSEP

We are very pleased to announce that we have finalised a partnership with the Institut Nationale du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la performance (INSEP). Similar to the English Institute of Sport, INSEP supports French athletes from 22 different sport disciplines with training and studying on their site and their students are elite coaches and athletes.

Graduate shines at BMS symposium

Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science, Dr Jeanne Dekerle, and former BSc student Louise King, who graduated in 2014, travelled in April to the Australia Institute of Sport in Canberra to attend the XIIth symposium of Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming.

Success for final year Sport and Exercise Science Student!

Sport and Exercise Science BSc(Hons) student Hannah Peters (pictured far right) has won a coveted place on the highly competitive NHS Scientist Training Programme. The salaried graduate-entry programme will see Hannah working in Cardiac Science at the Hampshire Hospital Trust and will lead to a senior healthcare scientist role.

Outdoor and Adventurous Activities in Bude

University of Brighton physical education, sports coaching and sport science students spent a week in May at Outdoor Adventure in Bude as part of their undergraduate courses. The trip focused on performance in a range of outdoor and adventurous activities (OAA) with an emphasis on using a variety of complex outdoor activity skills and techniques such as canoeing, kayaking,…

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Sport and Exercise Science Student Successes

Student, Charlotte Evans, has helped secure Britain’s first ever Winter Paralympic gold medal. Charlotte, who is studying sport and exercise science, is guide to blind skier Kelly Gallagher and the pair have won the visually impaired super-G in Sochi. Congratulations both and good luck for the rest of the games! Read more on the BBC…

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Consultancy in the labs

Our sport and exercise science laboratories have been extremely busy over the recent months and not just with students. The laboratories have also been used for consultation sessions: Paratriatholon world title holder, Faye McClelland (pictured) visited the labs as part of her preparation for the world triathlon championships and Rio. Graduate Faye recently received an honary graduate from the University of…

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Newly appointed lecturer Flo Pietzsch from the Lawn Tennis Association

Flo Pietzsch has been recently appointed as Senior Lecturer in sport coaching and sport science at the University of Brighton. Flo moved to lecturing from his previous job at the Lawn Tennis Association as the strength and conditioning coach for the elite tennis players including Heather Watson and Laura Robson. Flo said “Having studied here as…

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Sport and Exercise Science students research for the Fire Service

Students from the Sport and Exercise Science course at the School of Sport and Service Management have completed testing in the Welkin Laboratories heat chamber of behalf of the East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service. The two projects, carried out by Lee Howes and Emily Watkins as part of their dissertation projects, investigated the use of…

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