Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Teacher exchange in Demark

JAMIE COOPER Senior Lecturer in Nursing has recently taken on a lead role for the international exchange module supporting mental health nursing students on their international placements. 

Slagelse Psychiatric Hospital, Denmark

In June, he visited Slagelse Psychiatric Hospital in Denmark as part of an Erasmus teacher exchange. He was also given a tour of this new purpose built hospital which sits in the grounds of the “somatic” or general hospital.

The hospital boasts an extensive parkland area for patients and visitors to enjoy and each unit has its own protected garden. There is a focus on physical activities and therapies. Currently, a research project is running to look at reducing the need for medical and physical control and restraint.

DenmarkERASMUSJamie CooperNursingpsychiatric researchSlagelse Psychiatric Hospital

Kerry Burnett • 15/07/2016

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