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They’re going to Wembley

A University of Brighton student and graduate have scooped sporting jobs of a lifetime – reporting on Brighton and Hove Albion’s FA Cup semi-final against Manchester City at Wembley on Saturday.

Adam Powers, sport journalism graduate, and Lewis Tizard, in his final year of the same course, will be working for the Albion before, during and after the match, carrying out interviews and match reporting.

They are part of the University’s Premier League Apprenticeship scheme with the Albion which was launched at the start of the 2017/18 season.

Last year the scheme scooped the Innovation of the Year award at the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) 2018 Awards for Excellence.

Adam at race track

Adam Powers

The Apprenticeship with Albion sees six final-year Sport Journalism students employed as match-day assistants at the club.

Sport Journalism BA(Hons) course leader Owen Evans said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for Adam and Lewis to visit England’s football stadium and to report on Albion’s FA Cup semi-final.

“Here’s wishing them – and the Albion – the best of luck.”

Kerry Burnett • 03/04/2019

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