Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Learning about mixed-sex team games

Trainee physical education teachers were introduced to the only mixed-sex team game played widely in the Netherlands and Belgium – Korfball.

The game of Korfball is played between teams made up of four male and four female players. The playing court is divided into two equal zones and two players of each sex are placed in each – it can be played indoors or outdoors.

Players cannot move into the other zone during the match but every time two goals are scored, the players swap zones and therefore roles (attackers become defenders and vice-versa). The sport has similarities to both netball and basketball and players score by throwing the ball through the goal (korf) of the opposite team.

Physical education route leader Dr Gary Stidder said: “Sometimes sport is more than just a game. Team games can be a metaphor for addressing much broader social issues and can be a valuable educational tool.

“Korfball is an example of a game in which gender-stereotypes can be challenged and boys and girls can learn to play collaboratively in mixed teams.


Kerry Burnett • 03/11/2017

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