Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Best rescue of a historic building

An underground skate park set up with help from the University of Brighton has been shortlisted for a national award.

The Source Park, a world class BMX and Skate Park created from the derelict Victorian White Rock swimming baths, under the promenade in Hastings, welcomed its first riders and Skaters in March last year.

Since opening it has hosted two global BMX events which have been live-streamed utilising the University’s broadcast media expertise. View highlights of the 2017 event.

The Source Park has now been nominated in the 2017 Historic England Angel Awards in the “Best rescue of a historic building” category. The awards, which celebrate the efforts of people taking action to champion their local heritage, were founded by Andrew Lloyd Webber and are co-funded by the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation.

Winners will be announced and presented with their awards at the Palace Theatre in London on 20 November 2017. The public can vote for their favourite project here

Brothers Rich and Marc Moore built the park and as part of the ongoing project are developing local BMX talent through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) coaching programme with the University of Brighton. They are working with a multi-disciplinary project team at the School of Sport and Service Management on the university’s Eastbourne campus, comprising of Dr James Wallis (an expert in sport coaching), Harvey Ells (retail) and Adam Jones (sport business management).

For further information on Source BMX: visit

Kerry Burnett • 05/10/2017

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