Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Clothes Show live

Undergraduate and postgraduate retail students took a coach tour to the Clothes Show Live in Birmingham, stopping at the luxury shopping destination, Bicester Village, en route.

20161201_122911At Bicester students and staff had a talk from Miranda Markham from Value Retail, who explained the philosophy behind the luxury outlet.

Students learnt that tourism, events and hospitality all play an important role in exciting the luxury consumer and that the new train station and VIP lounge have all added to the shopping experience.

The range of fashion brands on offer at the village have been specifically chosen for the target audience ranging from high street brands Karen Millen and All Saints, to GUCCI and Coach for the premium designer brands.

3Spending the night in Birmingham the students set off the following day to The Clothes Show at the NEC. Alongside the spectacular entertainment event is a fashion and beauty market offering free samples and bargain buys.

The annual field trip was as enthusiastically received as ever.


Kerry Burnett • 15/12/2016

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