Prestigious International Honour for Professor
John Sugden, Professor of the Sociology of Sport and co-founder of Football 4 Peace has been awarded the Honorary Member Award by the International Sociology of Sport Association.
The award citation praises Professor Sugden’s cutting-edge research, bold activism in taking on sports powerhouses and driving spirit within the field of sport development and peace. As well as his work with Football 4 Peace Professor Sugden is renowned for his tireless efforts to expose malpractice in FIFA.
Speaking about his award, John Sugden said: “I am both profoundly grateful and humbled to be receiving this high accolade from ISSA, the sociology of sport’s leading international academic organisation. In accepting it I do so on behalf of the many colleagues and students who have stood alongside me over the years as members of the University of Brighton’s world leading Sport and Leisure Cultures research group.
“I consider it to be a badge of honour for all of those who have shared this mission to ensure that the highest quality critical sociology of sport will for ever be associated with the University of Brighton.”
You can find out more about John Sugden’s work here