Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

PhD for Maria

Maria in the Culinary Arts Studio at the start of her studies

Maria in the Culinary Arts Studio at the start of her studies

A huge congratulations to Dr Maria Gebbels who successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled Career Paths in Hospitality: A Life History Approach.

Maria first joined us as an undergraduate hospitality student seven years ago and continued as a postgraduate student before embarking on her PhD studies.

Maria said: “These past few years have indeed been life changing, and without your support, encouragement and making me feel like part of the team, I would have not been able to grow as an individual and an academic.”

Maria has now started her academic career as a lecturer in hospitality management at the University of Greenwich.

We wish you every success Maria and we’ll miss you!


Kerry Burnett • 22/09/2016

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