Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Inclusive physical activity workshop

Physical Education and Dance PGCE and School Direct students at the School of Sport and Service Management took part in a whole day of inclusive sport and physical activity as part of the preparation for their forthcoming school placements.

dscf2361The emphasis of the day was on equity and inclusion within the secondary school physical education and dance curriculum. The day comprised of an introductory theory session and practical application through activities such as boccia, sit-down volleyball, parachute games, new-age kurling and goalball.

The students have the opportunity to teach these activities alongside dance with pupils who have additional learning needs at an inclusive sports festival held at the University of Brighton.

PGCE and School Direct PE route leader, Dr Gary Stidder, said: “Experiences such as these provide the foundations for inclusive practice in PE and enable trainee teachers to plan and adapt activities according to different learning needs.

“It also helps to convince them that there is actually a place for disability sport for able bodied pupils within the secondary school PE curriculum as a means to helping young people empathise with others who have additional learning needs.”

Kerry Burnett • 15/09/2016

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