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Keynote speech for Dr Steven Goss-Turner

The Head of Operations for the School of Sport and Service Management, Dr Steven Goss-Turner recently gave the keynote speech at the Graduation Ceremony of long-standing partner, the International University of Applied Sciences, Bad Honnef, Bonn, Germany.

Steven referred to the 16 years over which the two institutions have collaborated, and in that time more than 450 Bad Honnef students have completed the final year of International Hospitality Management BA(Hons) and International Tourism Management BA(Hons) at the Eastbourne Campus.

In his speech, the key theme was the importance of managing service industry employees with the sensitivity that understands that in service work, staff have to overcome the challenge of being both technically efficient and interpersonally and behaviourally skilled. The venue was the Beethoven Hall in the city of Bonn, birthplace of Ludwig van Beethoven in 1770, and a quotation from that great composer included in the speech, gave graduates a fitting mantra as they entered the next phase of their careers: “Then let us do what is right, ethical, strive towards the unattainable, and never stop learning.”

Foto: Frank Homann

Kerry Burnett • 03/11/2015

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