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Health Sciences wins at Brighton student union awards 2019

The Brighton Student Union Awards took place last night, celebrating the amazing work that our students, staff and volunteers do each year.

Congratulations to all our winners and everyone who was highly commended, as follows

Support staff award

Heather Duff and Rob Marriott, Student Support and Guidance Tutors – highly commended.

Inspirational teaching award

Jo Gould, Senior Lecturer, Midwifery – WINNER.

Sarah-Jane Ryan, Principal Lecturer, Physiotherapy – highly commended.

Innovative teaching award

Hazel Horobin, Senior Lecturer, Physiotherapy – highly commended.

School of the year award

School of Health Sciences – highly commended

Commercial student staff member of the year

Olivia Davison, Paramedic Practice – highly commended

Society of the year award

Paramedic Society – WINNER

You can view the full list of awards and winners here.

Brighton Student UnionUniversity of Brighton

Kerry Burnett • 15/05/2019

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