Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Marcus Condon

My career in strength and conditioning

Marcus Condon is a two time University of Brighton graduate – we caught up with him to find out how studying at Brighton set him up in his career.

My studies

I studied the BSc in Sport and Exercise Science from 2018-2021 for my undergraduate degree, and then the MSc in Strength & Conditioning for my postgraduate degree.

Why I chose my subjects

I chose to study S&C because I wanted to develop my own education and practice around the gym and pitch environment, primarily to improve my own performance – being a semi-professional rugby player. This quickly evolved and became more about helping others achieve their goals and reach their own potential, something that I have found great pleasure in doing so far.

My career plans changed

To be completely honest, my long term view on my career changed over the last two years when studying. I thought I’d always want to work in the professional environment with the best of the best, but as time goes on I see the impact that I can have on the everyday person, and that has slightly skewed my goals.

I am currently at the stage where I do not know what I want from S&C long term, but I think that is fine and for now, I am just enjoying where I am at and how diversified my role is – it really allows me to get the best of both worlds.

Being a Brighton student

Studying at Brighton helped to provide me with what I needed to go out into the working world from both educational and practice-based standpoints. Advancing knowledge and my own philosophy within lectures under very intelligent lecturers set the foundation for my learning to continue, which I could on the placements that I was involved in.

TASS logo

One placement was within a professional rugby academy and another within the University’s own athletic development scene in some great facilities with state-of-the-art equipment, of which I would progress the latter into a role as a post-graduate leading the S&C for scholarship athletes from a multitude of sports as well as those on the TASS scheme.

I am fortunate enough to now say that the network I expanded on whilst at university – including those within the lecturing team – are peers of mine that I can collaborate with in a professional space.

My career since graduating

Since leaving the university, I jumped into the deep end and took on several roles, of which have mostly now been collaborated under one roof.

Ascend logo

I currently work for Ascend Athlete Performance which is an S&C company that looks to target both the best athletes and your everyday people, championing the slogan ‘Fitter, Faster, Stronger’, but tailoring this to everyone rather than just the elite.

Nevertheless, both prior and during my time with Ascend AP, I have worked as the Lead S&C coach at the University of Brighton as well as at a Chelsea FC Foundation site, alongside working within professional rugby. My latest role in professional football with Lewes FC Women’s has diversified my S&C practice by opening doors to a new environment and clientele.

If I could turn the clock back

If I could do university again and adjust something, I would spend that little bit of extra time working on different placement opportunities. From both a personal point and that of several peers, diversifying placement experience can help to lay the groundwork for your own philosophy and coaching eye. Additionally, making a good impression at a placement through a combination of your own interpersonal skills and evidence-based practice may actually lead to landing your first job within that same team!

My advice to my younger self

Ultimately, my advice to either a younger self or the next person reading this is to get stuck in and practice what you preach; no practice is bad practice, go out and develop all skills: technical, physical, mental, interpersonal etc inside of the environment you think you may want to find longevity in.

Find out how Brighton can help you pursue a career in sport and exercise and the types of roles you could work in.

Kerry Burnett • 06/03/2024

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