Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

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Meet sport coaching student Rebecca

We asked first year Sport Coaching BSc(Hons) student, Rebecca Maye to reflect on her time on the degree to date:

Why I chose Brighton for my degree

Rebecca Maye“I loved sport growing up, always played football and all other sports I could.

“I loved the location of Brighton/Eastbourne as it was by the beach. I was advised that Brighton university was good for sport.”

Specialist facilities

“The facilities are great, and vast with staff to help us use them. The ward hall gym is one of the best as it has so much equipment to use for strength and conditioning.

“I think the sports hall is great and has loads of equipment like boccia and hockey, so the ability to experience a vast range of sport to play and coach is good.

“I enjoyed going into the sport science labs as part of the science of movement module and using the Douglas bag to test energy expenditure.”

“Overall, I think the Brighton sports facilities enable you to learn effectively.”

Studying sport coaching

“I love learning more, so covering a range of topics from biomechanics to the pedagogy of coaching has been interesting.

“The learning of key components and then being able to use it in a practical session through coaching or in the labs has been good. This allows what I am interested in when learning can be seen in practice.

“The course is also very practical which means experiencing a whole range of sports like lacrosse which is fun.”

Gaining sport coaching experience

“I have been able to coach other students within my cohort to put learning into practice. I have also joined the women’s legacy programme which has enabled me to get FA coaching badges that are funded.”

The sport coaching staff

“The staff are easy to approach and very helpful. They make the lectures engaging and fun while sharing their expertise.

“They also hold tutorials just in case you have any questions or are struggling on a concept to allow for understanding. They make the learning specific to the individual which is helpful.”

When I graduate

“I hope to go into a career in coaching role with people to improve performance and see people succeed to their potential, whether that’s in schools or at a high-level club.”

My advice to future students

“Be prepared to look more deeply into coaching as a concept and be prepared to reflect on previous experiences and question previous decisions.”

Kerry Burnett • 02/05/2023

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