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a close up of the award

The Kate Bennett Award for Outstanding Achievements in Undergraduate Nursing

Since 2017, The Kate Bennett Award for Outstanding Achievements in Undergraduate Nursing, has been awarded to the University of Brighton undergraduate nursing student who has achieved the highest mark for their final dissertation project.

The prize is awarded in memory of alumna Kate Bennett who sadly lost her fight with cancer in 2016.  A graduate of the Class of 1986 in Nursing, Kate was awarded the Monica Noble award for excellence at the end of her training. Kate worked within the Eastbourne Trust until her death; first as RGN, then district nurse, and finally as a community tissue viability specialist nurse.

Kate lectured across the UK in her later role, and was highly regarded in the profession. Kate gave so much to nursing throughout her life, and this award is given in the hope that the recipient of this award will be inspired by Kate’s achievements as they begin their career within the nursing profession.

David presenting the award to MaxThe award was recently presented to adult nursing graduate Max Denyer by David Bennett, Kate’s husband and also one of our alumni – class of 1984.

Max said: “It was great to meet David and spend some time talking about Kate, her career and also her interests outside of nursing.  Having been seconded onto the frontline during the Covid pandemic, the end of university life was somewhat fast and frenetic.

“Hearing about Kate’s career, enthusiasm for learning and teaching was inspiring, and this award will take pride of place in our home, reminding me of my achievements. Receiving this award has proved a fantastic way to bookend the jump between university academia and starting my nursing career as a registered nurse, and has reaffirmed how proud I am to have completed my degree.”

David said: “I found it a very rewarding experience to meet Max and his family and was pleased, proud, and privileged to be able to present Kate’s award to such a deserving winner.

“I hope this is the kick-start to a wonderful career for Max, and I am pleased he is the first male recipient thus far!”

Find out about nursing degrees at Brighton. 

Kerry Burnett • 11/02/2022

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