Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

photo of Jay

Why I chose to study sport and exercise science

Jay Suter is in the final year of his Sport and Exercise Science BSc(Hons) degree – he was able to join the course in year 2 due to his qualifications. 

Jay tells us about about his journey:

Joining the Sport and Exercise Science BSc(Hons) course back in 2019 was a last-minute decision when I was not accepted onto the physiotherapy degree.

After completing one year of a Level 3 BTEC Diploma in Sport, and two years of a Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching, studying for an additional two years was a tough decision. Nonetheless, I took the plunge and am now currently in my final year.

I have recently been invited to attend an interview for the Physiotherapy (pre-registration) MSc degree, which has been my goal ever since leaving college. After five long years and regardless of a national pandemic, I am now ready to pursue my career of becoming a physiotherapist. 

Preparation for my career
Despite taking a couple more years to get my career started, choosing this degree was a great decision that will benefit me in furthering my education.

Learning the skills of a researcher and sports scientist has given me the knowledge, skills, personal qualities, and relevant work experience I needed to embark on a postgraduate degree.

The course allowed me to specialise in health and exercise rehabilitation sciences that fits with my career path.

Course Accreditation 
The Sport and Exercise Science degree is accredited by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) the UK professional governing body. Having the opportunity to register to BASES after completing my degree allows me to enter the profession as a practising sport and exercise scientist.
During my second year , I was allowed to gain experience at the Active Heart programme at the University of Brighton. The experience allowed me to observe cardiac physiologists giving exercise classes to patients with life-threatening cardiac conditions.
Also giving me insight into the profession of a physiotherapist and how exercise plays a huge role in recovering patients from surgery and how it can slow the progression of disease conditions.

Kerry Burnett • 09/02/2021

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