Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

The CIMSPA endorsed logo which is blue wording saying CIMSPA endorsed professional standards

CIMSPA Endorsement for Sport Coaching degree

We’re delighted to announce that our sport coaching course has been endorsed by a national institution.

Sport Coaching BSc(Hons) has received backing from the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) against the CIMSPA Professional Standard: Coach.

This confirms that the course meets industry standards and provides graduates with the knowledge and skills that employers have identified as most valuable.

CIMSPA is the professional development body for the UK’s sport and physical activity sector; they are “committed to supporting, developing and enabling professionals and organisations to succeed and, as a result, inspire our nation to become more active”.

A smiling Jim WallisSport Coaching course leader, Dr Jim Wallis, said: “Securing CIMSPA endorsement for our Sport Coaching degree is of great benefit to our existing and prospective students in terms of the status and standing of their degree in the field. It will enhance their employability and is a significant contributor to the ongoing professionalisation of coaching.

“We are delighted with this recognition and with the opportunity it provides in continuing to provide high quality coach education.”

The University first became a CIMSPA Higher Education Partner in January 2018 and students across different sport-related courses have benefitted as a result. Students on the sport coaching course will also receive discounted student-affiliate membership with CIMSPA.

This is our second degree to receive CIMSPA endorsement; the Sport Management BSc(Hons) achieved endorsement in September 2019.

Kerry Burnett • 19/05/2020

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