Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

The cover of the Overtime spring edition

New Overtime magazine

The latest edition of Overtime magazine, produced by University of Brighton journalism students, is now available.

Students from the Journalism and Sport Journalism BA(Hons) degrees collaborated to produce the publication, which comes out once a semester.

Features in this edition include:

  • the perils of social media challenges
  • the environmental impact of cosmetics
  • fan power in the Bundesliga
  • the rise of David Beckham’s Inter Miami.

Read your copy here:

Editor Katrin Johannessen, a second-year journalism student, said: “It was a pleasure being editor with such a hardworking and helpful team of contributors.”

Several well-produced stories had to be withdrawn after deadline, as pandemic postponements and cancellations superseded previews of the Brighton Festival, Olympics and Euro 2020.

Previous editions have been printed and distributed across University of Brighton campuses by Brighton Students’ Union. While the lockdown meant a physical copy could not be distributed, digital publication means the magazine can still be brought to the public through Overtime’s social media channels.

Journalism course leader Ben Parsons said: “The students showed great resilience to get the magazine together in a period of huge disruption and uncertainty. I am delighted that in this digital form their stories will now find the readership they deserve.”

Read all the latest journalism from our students at

Kerry Burnett • 18/05/2020

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