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Teaching post-16 PE

Our trainee physical education teachers visited East Sussex College Lewes Campus to gain an insight into teaching post-16 PE and sport courses.

The trainees met with Assistant Principal Mark Watts and Curriculum Leader Hayley Funnell who are both University of Brighton graduates and alumni. They learnt more about the use of google classrooms and other innovative ways to assess student progress such as video and verbal feedback, interactive assessment of learning and the use of flash cards using tablets and mobile phones.

They were also able to observe teaching in action and learn more about the latest revision resources available to students as well as being shown how to utilise the use of Twitter as an educational continued professional development resource.

PGCE and School Direct Physical Education route leader, Dr Gary Stidder, said: “This was a great opportunity for our PE trainees to gain valuable experience of post-16 physical education courses and the ways in which the teaching and learning of these courses can enhance students progress.

“It was extremely beneficial for them to observe experienced practitioners which has contributed to their own professional development with respect to the Standards for Qualifying to Teach.”

Kerry Burnett • 06/03/2020

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