Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

students in the lab

Showcasing skills

Students studying on our Sport and Exercise Science BSc are given an opportunity during their studies to achieve our unique Bronze, Silver and Gold awards and showcase their skills.

an image of the bronze awardThe awards recognise the multitude of practical skills students develop with us and are a way to demonstrate their capabilities and experience to future employers.

Introduced in 2017, the awards are embedded into the course and detail the many skills learnt, and practical activities carried out, over the three years. In the first year students work to achieve bronze, in the second silver and in the final year their gold award.

During activities such as module lab practicals students are registered and technical instructors tick off each skill against their name. Each module has a unique set of skills that can be met – more than 150 skills form the three awards.

an image of the silver award

The skills are wide-ranging and include indirect calorimetry using the gold standard Douglas Bag method, functional movement screening, EMG electrode placement, thermometry, body composition analysis and use of cycle ergometer and treadmill.

To date more than 100 students have been awarded bronze and silver awards and the first cohort of students will have the opportunity to work towards Gold from this September.

Kerry Burnett • 12/07/2019

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