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As sugar tax launches later this week, research finds meal deal loophole as students seek value for money

As the UK Government launches it’s new sugar tax later this week (in April), our research has highlighted a potential loophole with meal deals as students are likely to choose the most expensive drink, and therefore the one with the highest content of sugar to ensure value for money.

Carol Williams, Principal Lecturer and public health nutritionist conducted a survey of students aged 16 – 24 years and discovered they buy based on getting the best bargain, therefore choosing the most expensive items in their meal deals.  She said: “Students want to maximise the cost benefit of the deal, even though they are often aware of the health aspects.”

In an article in The Conversation, the news site written by academics, Carol Williams said The higher price is intended to steer people towards choosing lower-sugar drinks. But promotions, such as “meal deals”, could make the sugar tax meaningless by negating the price difference.

Read the full article here.










Featured photo by Francesco Gallarotti on

Sugar Tax

Kerry Burnett • 28/03/2018

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