Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

From concept to print in just seven days!

Students studying on the Journalism BA(Hons) and Sport Journalism BA(Hons) courses came together to create a 24-page magazine this week.

In just seven days, 109 students from all three years of study created, edited and published the magazine from scratch. They also managed to simultaneously multiply the audience fourteen-fold!

More than 2,500 copies of the magazine, Overtime, is being distributed across all University of Brighton campuses from today.

Alex Holmes, editor-in-chief, said: “The week we spent producing the magazine was one of the most challenging and fulfilling experiences I have had during my time at university. Having the opportunity to not only plan and design, but also write my own articles in the same publication meant using all the skills I have learned on my course. The biggest challenge I found was having to make decisions I had never made before under the pressure of a deadline.

“During the week we found time to visit the first years on the Eastbourne campus and it was good to see their contributions to our website,, where you can find lots of work from all of our student journalists. I am really pleased with how the magazine turned out – we learned from the successes and mistakes made by previous publications. I think it is the best looking edition we have produced so far and contains more exclusive interviews than ever before. I was grateful for the opportunity to be an editor and I hope everyone enjoys reading it!”

Jamie Phillips, editorial director, said: “Producing a 24-page magazine, aside from placements, was the closest experience I have had to working in the journalism industry. Throughout the week I was required to design, plan, delegate and sub-edit – essentially combining many of the skills needed to become a successful journalist.

“I have been fortunate enough to have enjoyed time working at Wisden, The Telegraph and Sky Sports News and was able to draw on this experience to produce 24 pages of thoroughly engaging content. We were also able to draw on the strengths and weaknesses from the magazines that preceded our spring edition.

“Overall though, I am happy that the hard work and dedication that went into the magazine has been reflected by what I believe to be our strongest and most aesthetically-pleasing edition to date. A special mention must also go to the first-year students who contributed a great deal of content to our website.

Owen Evans, the Sport Journalism course leader, said: “You only have to look at the quality of interviews to recognise the students’ excellent work during Newsweek, with the likes of Glenn Murray, Amber Rudd and Dick Pound exclusively featured.

“Combine that with a great design and it’s easy to see why they feel this is their best publication to date.”

Flick through the magazine here or look at the digital version .

Kerry Burnett • 23/03/2018

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