Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Celebrating our students and graduates on International Women’s Day

Keeping with the theme of International Women’s Day we thought we’d highlight just a few of our recent student and graduate achievements:


International Event Management MSc graduate Katharina Bürger received the MIA Conference and Event Management Award 2017.



Madeleine Orr graduated from our International Event Management MSc in 2016 and was awarded a scholarship to undertake her PhD at the University of Minnesota.




Lisa Schäfer addressed the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) and the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) conference in Nottingham and won the Human Kinetics Student Poster Presentation Award.



Run the Bases is a newly formed sport for development organisation that aims to tackle gender inequalities in sport, focusing on the sport of softball. The organisation was founded by graduates Tara Henry, Kelly Smith  and Sebastian Cirillo.


Our Women of Impact web feature demonstrates how our academic staff are achieving great things, working on the complex challenges facing society, educating and inspiring the next generation and making an impact in communities.

Kerry Burnett • 08/03/2018

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