Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Graduation ceremony experience for events student

International Event Management BA(Hons) student, Bronwyn Fetteroll, is gaining behind the scenes insight into the University of Brighton summer graduation ceremonies.

Bronwyn, who has just completed the first year of her course, has joined the university’s events team for three weeks to help organise and run the four day event which takes place at the end of July.

Bronwyn’s placement came about after she chatted to the Events Manager when her course went on a field trip to the Brighton Centre where the ceremonies are taking place. Although the role has many administration tasks it is highlighting the ins and outs of planning such a large scale event and will prove invaluable in the future with her ambitions to work in corporate events.

Bronwyn said: “I have enjoyed learning everything on my course so far and have also passed everything. This placement is providing me with a great experience.”

We look forward to welcoming Bronwyn back at graduation in a couple of years’ time when she collects her own degree.

Kerry Burnett • 20/07/2017

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