Sport and health science courses at Brighton news


Para Monte, a charity set up in memory of Adam Savory who died from altitude sickness in 2012, has made a £10,000 donation to the University to help support our work into the causes and effects of this dangerous condition and to educate and raise awareness of its impact.

Adam was a fit and healthy 25-year old who on a trip to Peru lost his life to altitude sickness which developed following a 15-hour bus trip to the city of Cusco (you can read his story here).

Speaking to the media at a special presentation event at our Sport and Exercise Science Laboratories in Eastbourne, Jeannet Savory from Para Monte said: “Adam would be very proud. He has been the driving force behind us over the past five years. We are determined to see more global awareness of this condition.”

Welcoming the donation, Ash Wilmott from the Sport and Exercise Science Consultancy Unit said: “Many people only associate altitude sickness with things like mountaineering. But it can also affect people on things like skiing and walking trips, as well as people like Adam who was simply taking a bus tour journey.

“Our work aims to improve understanding of who might be at risk, how they might be screened and what they can do to manage the risks. This generous donation will help us to take our work forward and to continue to build on our partnership with Para Monte. It is a great example of how we look to work in partnership on practically-focused research that aims to have a real and positive impact.”

Kerry Burnett • 30/01/2017

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