Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Niche tourism in The Gambia

Tourism, hospitality and events students spent a week in The Gambia as part of the Niche Tourism module.

The module provides an integrated overview on niche tourism and gives students the opportunity to understand and critically assess the key issues during their trip by taking part in workshops and local guided visits. Students gather essential tourism experiences by visiting this unique developing country and by collaborating with Gambian students.

Charlotte Heminsley (in black dress), a final year hospitality student, said of the trip: “The trip was such an amazing experience, it was a really jam packed week and has been the most rewarding trip of my life so far.

“Visiting different hotels around The Gambia was an eye opening experience into what types of accommodation there are and how they run internationally and help the communities. Working with Gambian participants was challenging however very rewarding, they were very shy and quiet at the start of the week however with patience and support they become more confident and become close friends.

“The culture was a massive shock, there was so much to learn from the Gambians. Spending a week without wifi seems scary but actually was so nice and relaxing. The gratefulness of the Gambians amazed me, they are so content with the small amount they have, it made me realise how much we take for granted in our daily lives.

“Visiting Gambia was a completely new experience, so rewarding and definitely something I would do again.”

Whilst on their trip the students took part in The Mannequin Challenge and you can view their effort below:


Kerry Burnett • 05/01/2017

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