Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Class of ’96 returns!

More than 100 of our graduates took part in a 20-year reunion at the Eastbourne campus.

The team ready to welcome the guests

The team ready to welcome the guests

The event took place on 10 September with alumni from the Hospitality and Tourism Management BA(Hons) courses.

The alumni revisited the sights of Eastbourne and the town’s nightclubs on the Friday night and had tea and cake at the university’s Culinary Arts Studio on Saturday morning, followed by a formal dinner at the View Hotel in the evening.

The event was hosted by the University of Brighton Alumni Association and school staff past and present joined the occasion with fond stories of lectures.

The alumni shared their old student year books and photographs and, after a wonderful morning, one of the attending graduates said: “I had goosebumps coming back onto the campus again as it reminded me of all the fun I had”.

Time to catch up!

Gillian Parfitt, Hospitality Course Leader, took the group on a tour of the campus accompanied by some of the university’s student ambassadors, followed by lunch at the Students’ Union bar.

Gillian said: “It was amazing to see all the graduates again, hear their news and share stories from their time with us all those years ago. It was also wonderful to see just how easily they all came together remembering the places they used to go and the tutors here at that time.”

We look forward to welcoming them all back for the thirtieth reunion in 2026! group-picture-class-of-1996

Kerry Burnett • 14/09/2016

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