Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

MasterChef Goes Global

The University of Brighton aims to introduce young people to higher education, raise aspirations and attainment, and provide information to help them make informed decisions about their future. Throughout the year we hold many events including the popular annual MasterChef which took place in the Culinary Arts Studio on the university’s Eastbourne campus.

This year we increased the number of days on offer from five to seven which enabled us to reach not only local school children, but also older students from a local college, many of whom have never considered attending university. The theme this year was ‘MasterChef Goes Global’.

IMG_2283The students were divided into teams, each being given a separate course to produce for themselves, fellow students and the MasterChef judges. The global theme saw students produce dishes such as Indian bhaji, Spanish tortilla, French crepes, and authentic American key lime pie with blueberry ice-cream to name but a few.

After researching their dishes origins and ingredients, the students spent a busy morning preparing and cooking; they collected herbs and vegetables from our raised beds for the recipes, and then planed the presentation of their dishes in order to impress the judges. They laid and decorated the tables with flowers and herbs and learnt the art of napkin folding, producing some very impressive results.

IMG_2271After talking and watching the students at work and tasting the fantastic food the three judges selected a MasterChef winning team and then a single overall MasterChef winner.  The Vice-Chancellor visited one event sitting down with the students for dessert and then tweeting of her experience – priceless!

Our superb student ambassadors were able to provide a link between the young students and staff, and spoke eloquently on their university experience. The students, many who were so nervous and unsure of themselves on arrival, left with huge smiles on their faces, chatting animatedly about their day, clutching a goody bag full of information, medals and trophies.

Comments made by the MasterChefs included:

“This is the best school day ever, why can’t everyday be like this”

“I can’t wait to get home and tell my dad what I’ve been doing, he’ll never believe it”

“I didn’t think I was clever enough to go to university but I think I might be”

“Digging potatoes is great, you get presents from the ground!”

Kerry Burnett • 11/08/2016

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