Staff successes
NIGEL SHERIFF was an invited speaker for a Public Health Wales seminar to discuss the EC Health4LGBTI project on 22nd July. The Seminar aimed to :
- Raise awareness and understanding of LGBT health
- Learn more about the present and evolving evidence related to LGBT health
- Identify priorities for both future research and future practice
As part of this Nigel spoke about ‘Improving Health Within The LGBT Community’.
DR ALEC GRANT has provided interschool research and writing for publication mentorship for the Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS). This has resulted in the publication of a paper in TQR (The Qualitative Report): Shaw S, Anderson J, Grant A. Studying Medicine with Dyslexia: A Collaborative Autoethnography. It will be published on the 1st of November this year, and will be presented as a paper at the 7th TQR Conference at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in January 2017.
CHRIS COCKING recently had a short letter published in the Psychologist magazine on whether the Brexit vote would make disorder in the UK more likely,read the article here
Chris was also interviewed by The Guardian on whether riots are more likely in hot
weather, which can be found online at