Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Modul University Workshop

The Culinary Arts Studio recently hosted a packed, three-day workshop for a group of 26 students from Modul University, Vienna.

The students had the opportunity to taste a selection of English cheese and sampled some local English beer and wines. Ken Woodward and Gill Rogers demonstrated some unusual probiotic food use, including making Yakult Ice-cream, and Yakult Iced Green Tea.

IMG_0233The most tender sirloin steak was cooked using the ‘sous vide’ method over a period of 24 hours, several sauces and meringues were prepared in the microwave to the excitement but disbelief of those watching, biscuits were made and cup-cakes decorated.

Whist half the cohort went on a tour of Alfriston, Middle Farm and the Rathfinny Wine Estate, the remainder of the group prepared lunch in our professional kitchens – Christmas arrived in Eastbourne early this year…

The students prepared a full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings: vegetables from our raised beds were cooked, Christmas crackers were pulled, paper hats worn, and Christmas music played. Who would have thought that Christmas pudding and brandy sauce would taste so great in June.

20160623_161607The final afternoon saw Gillian Parfitt lead a cake decorating competition, the standard was exceptionally high, and the designs very diverse. We saw cakes that looked like presents, a bunch of pansies, and even a plate of sushi.

After much deliberation a winner was chosen by our panel of judges, a cake that looked like a cheeseburger took home the prize.

The students left Eastbourne exhausted but with plenty of tales to tell when they got back to Austria.



Kerry Burnett • 21/07/2016

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