Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Starters and leavers – June 2016

CHARLENE TANTON joined us on 6th June 2016 in the post of Timetabling Officer. She joins us from Coventry University where she has had a number of years of timetabling experience. She is based in Westlain House in the admin area. Charlene will be initially focussing on West Nursing but in the fullness of time it is expected that she will take the lead on timetabling issues across the whole school. We are trialling a new way of working as Charlene reports directly to Sara Rumble – the timetabling lead within academic services – but sits physically within the school; a similar model to the way the Student Support and Guidance Tutors (SSGT) currently work (reporting to student services but placed within the school).

The Nursing programme is looking forward to welcoming JOHN KHRONE as a new full time Senior Lecturer based at Falmer. 0.2 FTE will be mental health specific.

Interviews are taking place on 5th July 2016 for a 0.6 FTE Mental Health Senior Lecturer post.

mental healthNursing

Kerry Burnett • 19/06/2016

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