Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Modernisation of teaching spaces programme

The modernisation of teaching spaces programme is due to start in September and is designed to improve the university’s teaching spaces and align them with national standards. It is hoped that the programme will be chaired by Prof Stephen Denyer, Pro Vice Chancellor ( Education and Student Experience) and will see active academic and student representation. At present the Campus Management Groups have working groups that prioritise proposed modernisation projects. From September, academics will be invited to join the Programme Board and the working groups so they are represented at every level of decision-making and have a platform to communicate their needs. The project, which looks at centrally pooled rooms, aims to:

  • Refresh older spaces e.g. painting and decoration of Eastbourne rooms
  • Increase computer numbers to meet the national standard
  • Standardise the equipment used in classrooms so that systems are the same across the university, as well as intuitive and easy to use with clear instructions.
  • IS staff to check all teaching rooms on a weekly basis to ensure that they are in working order.
modernisation projectProf Stephen DenyerStudent ExperienceUniversity of Brighton

Kerry Burnett • 19/06/2016

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