Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Practice Placement Educators Courses

The next practice educators’ course will be

Eastbourne Day 1: 9th March                        Day 2: 13th July

Day one will include theory, practical tasks and information related to practice education for the two OT courses at Brighton. Participants will then be required to take a student for at least one placement before returning for a second educator’s day which will focus on reflections, group discussions and additional learning related to their experiences of taking students. If you have been qualified for 18 months and would like to start taking students and want to do the educators course then please contact Lisa Harford to reserve a place: .

It is a requirement that, as part of your application for these free educator courses, you offer a student placement and this is now essential in order to attend day 2 of the course and receive your CPD certificate. Please discuss this with your team or placement coordinator before requesting a place on the course.

Please note that you do not need to have done the educators course to offer a 2 week beginning practice placement- this is good experience for those interested in taking student’s prior to course.



Channine Clarke   01273 643771

Tracy Szekely       01273 643947

Sara Hadland       01273 643873


Source: Occupational Therapy newsletter – February 2016

Channine Clarke, Principal Lecturer and Tracy Szekely, Senior Lecturer

Educators CoursesLisa HarfordOccupational therapyPractice Placement

Kerry Burnett • 05/02/2016

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