Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Sport Coaching graduate tours Brazil with Corinthian-Casuals

Danny Bracken studied Sport Coaching BSc(Hons) at the University of Brighton and graduated in 2013.

He currently teaches at a private school outside of London and continues to play football for Corinthian-Casuals, something he started whilst studying at Brighton.

Danny recently travelled to Brazil with the team and said of the trip: “If you had asked me before I went, what is the most important part of the tour? I would have said the match in a world cup stadium, in front of 26,000 people and a TV audience of 15-20 million!

“But in the end, it was JUST a football match and the visit to the children’s hospital and the day at the social project have had a greater impact on who I am as a person. It also highlighted the positive impact professional footballers could have on the world if they used some of their TIME and money more productively.

“Working in a favela on a social project is something that I would never of contemplated doing prior to the tour, but it is something that I am giving serious consideration for the future.”

Read more about Danny and the team’s trip. 

Kerry Burnett • 15/04/2015

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