Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Sport and Exercise Science guest speakers

Guest speakers are just one of the ways we enhance learning and we invite a huge variation of influential figures to the school to speak to our students.

Recent guest speakers include:

Gary Anderson
Gary Anderson is performance director of British Bobsleigh and visited our students in March. He has appeared on many television programmes, managed Britain’s curling teams at the Vancovuer Olympics Games and was formerly the performance manager at British Judo.

Dr Paul Worsfold
Paul is Head of Biomechanics for English Institute of Sport (EIS) and also gave a visiting lecture to students this month. Paul acted as a consultant biomechanical technical lead and performance analyst to the EIS for several years prior to taking the role as well as a consultant to the English Rugby Football Union and a number of professional football clubs.

Dr Emma Ross
Emma is Head of Physiology at EIS and is a regular speaker at the school. Find out more abouemma ross 1t Emma’s most recent visit.

And it’s not just visiting speakers who share their knowledge with Sport and Exercise Science students. Our own academic team have made, and continue to make, important contributions to the field and regularly contribute to student’s learning including Professor Jo Doust and Professor Nick Webborn.

Kerry Burnett • 19/03/2015

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