Sport and health science courses at Brighton news

Successes for hospitality students

A hospitality degree from us will prepare you for a successful future, and give you some great experiences along the way. Here are just two of our students who are heading for great careers in the hospitality industry:

Alex Foster made the most of all the opportunities the University of Brighton could offer her including taking on a role as a student ambassador.

Between the first and second year Alex did a summer internship with one of our long-standing partners Walt Disney World, Florida and then jumped at the chance of also taking a placement year with them after completing the second year.

Alex is staying in Orlando having just accepted a full-time position nicola smithwith Starwood Hotels which she starts in July.

Graduate Nicola Smith (right) was successful in being accepted onto Hilton’s graduate training scheme last summer and is now working at Hilton Dunkeld House.

She also represents the Hilton graduate training programme, promoting it to universities around the country.

Congratulations both!

Kerry Burnett • 12/02/2015

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