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Recognition for Football for Peace in Korea

Dan Gudgeon, the Head Coach at Football for Peace (F4P) and Project Manager with the Sport Operation Team at the OHY_6726PyeongChang Organising Committee Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, received an appreciation plaque at a recent fundraising event hosted by the Korean Sharing Movement (KSM) in Seoul.

The audience consisted of over 300 guests from across Korean civil society who listened to Dan speak passionately about the programme which has now finalised its third session in November 2014.

The University of Brighton’s in-house NGO, F4P International, first worked with Dan in 2012 who told of how the evaluation survey of parents and children got excellent responses and has led to future plans to expand in order to make a greater impact.

SAMSUNG CSCHe gave examples of how children from defector families from North Korea and children south of the border were gaining a unique understanding of each other.  They have been learning a peace education programme based on the F4P values based methodology of teaching values and life skills through sport and play.

Miss YehJung Yi, Public Relations Manager at KSM and F4P Coach said: “Dan’s work has led to a beneficial partnership between the University of Brighton, F4P and KSM.”

It is hoped that soon that more coaches will be trained in Korea by F4P in Seoul and in other bases across the world.

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Kerry Burnett • 15/12/2014

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