Week 1 Website Development

Week 1 of the project we have been tasked with setting up a blog for our portfolio. It will include posts from a few different projects, such as updates on how they are going, as well as previous now complete projects.

To begin, I am using the blogs.brighton site. This is a site I am unfamiliar with however with trial and error I believe I will be able figure out the nuances of how to use the site and be able to produce a site that will easily display all of my work. the first thing to consider is what needs to be put on the site.

  • Weeks 1-12 of the XE404 project
  • DP402
  • DP403
  • An about me page
  • A home page

The first thing to do will be to get the site in a reasonable layout, with tabs leading to each of the projects. In these projects I should have posts based on each relevant part, such as posts for weeks 1-12 for XE404. This post is week 1 for that project.

Another thing to consider would be a search bar for easy navigation and quick searching of specific posts.

The site should function well but also be aesthetically pleasing.


Progress update 1:

I have completed multiple weeks worth of work in posts, however I have no been able to find out how to move the posts to the designated project pages yet. I have however been able to get them to appear (out of order) on the home page, as well as show up with keywords in search bars.

Progress update 2:

After researching using the internet, I have found a site that has some tutorials for navigating this blog editing site and some tips on what to improve. After reading into this, I was able to clean up my site significantly. I did this by:

  • Creating a home page that functions as an actual home page (previously it was where ALL of my posts ended up and I did not know why).
  • I have created a menu at the top of the blog which can be found on ALL pages and not just the home page.
  • Put into order each week’s week so that it is much easier to find.
  • Created an about me page, allowing any visitors to my blog to have an idea of who I am and why I have created this blog.

Here is the site that helped me improve my blog so that either me or a visitor can find it and reference it in the future:
