Welcome to the blog!

The blog you are currently on is orientated around one single athlete and her recovery from a grade 2 hamstring tear.

The athlete herself (whom we’ve kept anonymous for her own privacy) is a 30 year old Caucasian 100m sprinter.

There are four main aspects to her recovery of which each of us are concentrating on separately;

Psychological Rehabilitation; the mental progress and issues that occur both during the recovering from an injury and once the athlete has returned to her sport at the same elite level. – Covered by Connor Betts

Nutritional Recovery; how a specific nutritional plan with both correct macronutrient and micronutrient content alongside ergogenic aids will generate a more effective recovery from injury to get the athlete back to the same level of competition she was pre injury. – Covered by Matt Weynberg

Physiological Training; once an injury has occurred both training and physiotherapy play a key part to any athletes recovery, this section of the blog will explain the latest physiological advancements at our athletes aid to recover her to her elite level. – Covered by Connor Spencer

Personal Training; once an injury has subsided our athlete will need to know the correct training methods to improve her sprint speed to what is once was, this section of the blog will explain the latest training theories and studies to improve our athletes sprint times back to her previous elite level. – Covered by Leigh Williams

. 100m race

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