Design/Meeting and Tutorial

shows designs

Some colour variations featuring knit samples.

shows designs

Colourless designs

The two designers have been sharing visuals and rough sketches throughout development. In a meeting on Jan 19th we discussed our progress, along with our knitter. We spoke of plans to incorporate patchwork with different textures, knitted long socks, exaggerated knit collars, balaclavas, and reintroducing the relaxed linen shirt. Our focus is now on communicating fabrics and colours and finalizing our collection.

After our design tutorial, we have a clearer idea of our next steps. We will begin developing ideas product by product and dismantling the looks. This will allow us to explore variations, consider details, and create consistency and recurring motifs through the collection.  We will also consider accessories in detail.

Collated Moodboard

After researching explorers, British wildlife, David Attenborough and the Chav/football hooligan aesthetic individually, we sent our favourite, and most relevant images, to Amy Bambury who collated this mood board. This enables each of us to work with the same colour palette going forward and help guide our individual ideas and designs, so we’re all working from, quite literally, the same page.

Initial Moodboards and ideas.

As a group we decided to look at David Attenborough and British Wildlife/ Nature for our initial inspiration. Paying close attention to the colours and textures found outside, I have begun to create visual research to inspire and help me plan out my woven samples which will then go on tube woven on the power loom. These are my own personal initial mood boards looking at Attenboroughs style and the ‘Grandad  chic’ trends that are popular at the moment.

Initial Design Research

Over the last week as a group we have been further exploring our chosen themes; Football Hooliganism, Polar explorers and David Attenborough. After our dicussions we feel using British wildlife to influence the prints, colours and textures of the fabrics would be really effective.  From the other areas of research Kate and Amy have started playing around with silhouettes for our designs. We will continue sketching out ideas beginning to overlap our themes over the next week. Selecting specific areas of our research that we really want to draw from. The textile students have started to develop sampling from their research and will continue to do so.

Initial sketches by Kate influenced by research

Research into the clothing worn by polar explorers by Kate

Research in clothing worn by David Attenborough done by Kate


Research into Football Hooligans done by Amy

Illustrations showing classic hooligan silhoettes by Amy

Inital Concept

During the first group meeting, we discussed what we liked about the Burberry lecture and what points we’d like to carry forward into our collaboration project. Sustainability, the famous Brit influence, chav culture, and polar explorers piqued our interest.

Armed with this information we went away to conduct our own research to bring back to the group. I went looking for inspiration in line with the Burberry polar explorers, famous Brits, and sustainable theme.

Famous Brit, Sir David Attenborough, born in Middlesex in 1926, may not be a rock star but he is a national treasure and his message of global warming and the urgency of sustainability is relevant today now more than ever.

Putting together a mood board of British wildlife to help present my ideas to the rest of the group I thought we could use colour, textures and patterns inspired by British wildlife.

British WIldlife Moodboard



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