Putting together website

While I waited for everything to be ready to be put on website I started planning where content would go and some sort of a theme for it. I went for a blue background as it went well with our final logo that Mai created. I also created some illustrations that could be used to keep it looking exciting for the viewer.




These are the illustrations I created. They are very simple but when starting the website I realised it looked quite plain and needed some more interesting bits to catch the viewers eye and draw them in.

Initial logo ideas

I created some initial logo ideas that we could potentially use. I really liked these, especially the one with the needle and thread, however I feel we may need something a little more simple for the website. These could work as part of the instagram though. These could be perfected further but are just some initial idea.

Website Research


I have researched some websites that are promoting a similar service to what we would like to do and also targeting the same audience (ages 14-18) The websites I looked at were:

-Millie Moon

Millie Moons website was for a teen sowing club, I liked their website as it was simple but still incorporated colour and little illustrations around it, fitting their target audience. This brand would also be a competitor of ours as they are doing a very similar thing to what we are doing.

-Brighton Fashion School

I liked at Brighton Fashion Schools website which the whole group really liked and we defiantly took a lot of inspiration from this. They incorporated colours and moving image, which really draws you in and it is a very exciting website. I think for 14-18 year olds this is the perfect website to draw you into the courses. This website is definitely one I will take inspiration from when I am designing our website

-Sew Retro

They all had different styles, Sew Retro had a simple lay out, I looked at this website more for text font and layout, which I found really helpful to gather ideas. However in our website we were thinking we should go for more colour and an exciting layout as this would fit best with our target audience.