Graffiti and politics

Graffiti & politics opening statement:

After my offsite placement I deciding to represent my research on graffiti and its history,I decided to focus my research on ‘graffiti and its history’. I noticed that it can become a political statement.   I wanted to look into works of an artist which strike the right balance between (Vandalism) and boundary pushing political art.  Escif’s work grabbed my attention immediately.

Escif / Unknown
Spain 1997
Urban Art, Graffiti


Escifs- Anti-Establishment Escifs- Anti-Establishmentbreaking a plate for greece. 

:Historians don’t agree on where the Greek tradition of breaking plates comes from. The version I like the most says that the ancient Greeks broke plates against the marble floors of their houses to ward off evil spirits with the clatter of broken crockery:

;Breaking a plate for Greece is a psychomagic act to ward off evil spirits from Greece and from all of Europe. I hope it works!; Escif. 


With the ideas of politics in his art but also a view on energy and evil spirits, Trying to ward off ‘Evil’ for the people of Greece. Seeing Escifs work showed me you can make a statement through changeling the normal aspect of misdeed street art,  whether it can capture a specific problem present in that time. or just try and help from past traditions.   Art on the streets has the opportunity to hit a much wider audience and more importantly a specific audience for a cause needing attention at the time. Art can transcend imagery and logic and become more powerful than even words.

ill be spending more time looking into street art in a exhibition setting and how it can work in its favor not being always being on a street corner/wall.  Viewing Escifs work Seeing street art manifest its early modern beginnings from having only negative connotations seeing this gave me hope. This will help me establish my own thoughts moving  forward.

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