Diversity – Evaluation



Diversity now, was a very fast and interesting project which allowed me to look into a lot of different pathways when looking at the concept of diversity.  I decided to initially look at body dysmorphia and how the fashion industry contributes to female and also male body issues. I looked at artists such as bart hess and Lucy Mcrae and their series which focuses on body architecture. I also looked at Jenny Saville who is a contemporary painter who looks at the real female body. I did a test shot based on my research however it didn’t work out as well as I had wanted it to, so I moved on to one of my other concepts. I also spoke to one of my tutors and they didn’t really understand my concept and how it related to diversity so I decided to change my idea and try and make it relate more.

The next concept I looked at was political and how diverse each political party is. The parties I looked into were labour, conservative, green and liberal. I researched the history of each party and looked at who their supporters were to get a better idea of the styling for each shoot, and I also researched why they chose the colours they did. When it came to the shoot it didn’t go as successfully as I wanted because I couldn’t get the models for the time of the shoot so I had to get someone to take some of the photos for me. However a lot of those photos didn’t turn out as I wanted, for example the composition was wrong and most of the models were doing different things and only realised after I had finished the whole shoot. I now know for next time to be more organised and plan ahead and make sure the shoot is when all models are avaliable at the same time. However, I tried to make the best out of that situation and created a different final outcome to my original idea. But, when it came to my tutorial my tutor and I agreed that my message wasn’t coming across in my photos and that I needed to reshoot using a different styling idea. However, there wasn’t enough time so I ended up just combining my photos with some illustrations which I think worked out quite well!

If I were to do this project again I would definitely sort my timings out and get a proper plan and concept for my shoots. I would also arrange my models so that the shoot will flow and work better, resulting in images that follow my original concept and be sure that they have a narrative.

Diversity – Second Concept

I decided to rethink my initial concept after my unsuccessful test shoot and tutorial with my tutor.

I began looking into the different political parties and realised just how diverse they were.

I started looking more in depth about their policies and their target audiences. I also researched why they used the colours they do so I could incorporate these factors into my photography.

Diversity – Artist Research: Bart Hess and Lucy Mcrae


I then went onto looking at Bart Hess and Lucy Mcrae’s collaboration pieces. Their artwork captured my attention because its so unique and futuristic but also so simple. Their work was inspired by their interest in genetic manipulation, and how the idea of beauty will keep changing. This inspired me in how I wanted to take my photographs and still keep it simple.

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