David Hockney Inspired Experiments


For these experiments, I wanted to look at fragmenting my photographs, similar to David Hockney, to see if they created a different opinion. I wanted the viewer to look and at first glace not know what they are looking at when viewing my images.

I think the initial three experiments worked well, but I didn’t have enough images to continue on with, and create successful collages.

These experiments were inspired by David Hockney’s photo portraits collection. I used some of my images to create these collages and tried to use parts of photos that would work together. I believe these collages are successful because they fit with my uncomfortable theme, especially by zooming in on certain features of the person. (All photos taken by me)

Following on from the previous experiments I decided to use more techniques for this one. Some parts of this image were successful however to improve this I could select certain parts of the three images on the left rather than the full face portrait.

I wanted to continue using black and white to fit with the rest of my images. However I will experiment using colour to see how that works.

This experiment focused on more macro shots. I wanted to continue on with my uncomfortable feel to my images so decided to focus in on certain parts and zoom in to make the viewer unsure of what they are looking at. I also followed on with the high contrasted look to see how it worked and I think certain shots worked really well such as the eye on the left and the upside down lips.


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