After bright colours being such a influencial aspect to my last shoot I want my next one to be in a black and white colour scheme. The first image that has inspired me is one taken of young Kate Moss by Corrine Day. The photos from this shoot by Day are iconic and set of Moss’s career aged 15. The innocence that is portrayed through Moss has influenced me to use my 15 year old little sister as my next model. I love how the photo looks relaxed as her nose is scrunched up with laughter and this expression is something which I hope to recreate.

The next photographer which I looked at it is Terry Richardson. Richardson is well known for taking portraits of a list of celebrities purely in-front of a white drop back. I particularly like this shoot he has done on Cara Delivinge, due to the silly and playful faces she is pulling for the camera. The photos are cheeky and fun. The plain background enforces attention on the models expression even more.

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