A Reflection On Our Group Work – Georgia Barker.


In this project we helped the fitness company Vanquish improve on it’s digital marketing campaign by evaluating certain topics in which we, as a group, felt needed developing or improving.

Unfortunately, for many people group work is a negative experience. As I believe everyone is, at the beginning I was very nervous to be told we were expected to produce a group presentation for this module. When working with students who you have never met or spoken to before, it can be very daunting and, in our current circumstances , face to face interaction is long in the past so this made our task a whole lot harder.

Luckily I was grouped with 2 other students who I had known from my first year classes which made the intimidating job of talking to new people, over a computer screen, a lot easier. See the source imageOrganization:

To begin our project, we began by setting up our own Microsoft teams room where we shared files and constructed our PowerPoint base and Word document for our script. We then went on to assign roles for each participant based on preference of which task we would like to complete. I saw this as chance to enrich my business knowledge so I decided to take on the task of completing and evaluating PESTLE and SWOT analysis’  of the company.

As each of us had different timetables to one another, we found it hard to organise meetings to discuss where we were at with our work. So, we decided to create a snapchat group chat to talk more frequently and also work on the shared documents in Microsoft Teams. As this group project was entirely online, I found it difficult to portray my ideas and suggestions to my team via text. However, the experience from working virtually with my team has really developed my skills in communication which will assist me in my future career paths. It has given me the confidence to perform better in the future. Adding to this, group work has helped me to develop my leadership skills by ensuring that all members of my group are motivated and working towards our common goal. Finally, to complete group work it is essential that organization skills are used and this project has helped me develop this skill. Organization is a vital part of group work. Deciding early what company we wanted to do and how we wanted to present our work was key in ensuring our work was competed to a high standard.



Almost 3 times a week we would talk to each other about our work and how far we have got with each part of the presentation. We would also help each other with questions we had in regards to our work or areas that we needed some support with. For instance I struggled to find certain points for part of my analysis but, through the combined knowledge of my team mates, they helped me develop an idea. We went through components of the GRIP Model to ensure highly effective teamwork by understanding the ‘goal’ in which we wanted to achieve and ensured that our goal to achieve a high grade were aligned with one another. Also, each group members knew exactly what roles they each has to play throughout this presentation and exactly what we were responsible for. Finally,  high levels of quality communication were used throughout the presentation and any conflicts were dealt with to help us make progress.

See the source image

Collaboration and involvement:

I can confidently say that each member of the group was as involved and committed as the other. We all thrive for good grades and our effort into the presentation and group work showed this. I expected my group to work well together to accomplish our shared goals based on the Social independence theory  since we all shared the same goals and wanted the same outcome. One of the primary things my group did well was working together. Each of us brought unique ideas and styles to the group work which all complemented our own presentation styles very well. This also gave each of us knowledge on different techniques that I will be able to use in the future.  We did however have to request an extension on our work because as a small group of 3 we were at a disadvantage to the other groups who had 4/5 members in their team. This effectively slowed us down with our work contributions as we had more tasks to do and we had to ensure a fair amount of tasks were given to each member.



To conclude, this experience has enhanced various different skills that will be required of me in future careers. Overall, I believe we have done a good job on our presentation and have worked efficiently as a group to complete our project. If I were to do this project again, I would ensure that I communicate more frequently with my group and introduce days of a week where we can have meetings to review what we have done and what we will continue to do to ensure that we are not pushed for a deadline. As they say, practise makes perfect and I feel that next time, to perfect my presentation, I will encourage my group to practise a few more times together to ensure that we get the bet possible grade. I look forward to more group work projects in the future to help me understand further how to work with more team dynamics.



Beckhard, R., 1972. 4.2 Five Models for Understanding Team Dynamics. [Online]
Available at: https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/technicalwriting/chapter/understandingteamdynamics/
[Accessed 11 February 2021].

Johnson, D. &. J. R., 1995. Social Interdependence Theory by Johnson & Johnson. [Online]
Available at: http://www.ceebl.manchester.ac.uk/events/archive/aligningcollaborativelearning/Johnson_Johnson.pdf
[Accessed 11 February 2021].

My Learning Essentials, 2019. Essential skills for group work. [Online]
Available at: https://medium.com/my-learning-essentials/essential-skills-for-group-work-73a88e0dcee1
[Accessed 11 February 2021].


NoteCube Email Evaluation

My example email that I have chosen to evaluate is from a company called NoteCube.

They have sent me an email to encourage me to complete my purchase that I left in my basket by sending me a 20% and free shipping discount code.

I would open this email if I reconsidered purchasing my item. It is very tempting with the discount codes being offered to me to encourage my purchase. Adding to this, to invite me more, they have personalised this email by addressing me using my informal nickname and also adding pictures of my finished product.

NoteCube’s email has specifically done well in relating this email to me. They have included pictures of what my finished and personalised product would look like which makes it very relevant to me. They also have a very clear call-to-action which is for me to complete my product and finish the purchase.

However, although, NoteCube are encouraging me to finish my purchase, the landing page takes me to the homepage where I have to restart the creation of my product all over again. This is very inconvenient and wastes time. They should look to improve their landing page so that users can click on a link to take them straight to their basket where there completed product is ready for checkout. Adding to this, the design of the email is fairly boring and not very exciting to look at. I think they should look into having a better and more enhancing design to their emails.

NoteCube – https://thenotecube.com/index.php



Missguided: https://www.missguided.co.uk/ Missguided: Women’s Clothes | Online Fashion Shopping

  1. Yes, The organisation of the website enhances the ability to find exactly what you are looking for. There are specific tabs for certain types of clothing so the website can be easily navigated.
  2. Yes, The page layout is consistent throughout all pages on the website. The same colour scheme and fonts are also used throughout the website.
  3. Yes, there are various text links throughout the page, which lead to other parts of the website. For instance there is a text link to ‘Read More’ about Misguided’s new beauty range launch which takes users to another associated website about their new beauty range rather than an online fashion store.
  4. Yes, there are many navigational elements attached to the website such as search bars, menus, wish lists/shopping bag features which are formatted across all pages.
  5. No, breadcrumb trails are not offered.
  6. Yes, there is a sitemap available which helps allocate a specific item of clothing or accessories.
  7. Yes, at the bottom of the website there is a table of contents which includes tabs such as ‘Help’ and ‘About us’, which have various different sub categories. However there is no long pages so no need for ‘top-of-page’ links.