Making Ground Exhibition

Creative Collaboratory – Samples made from everything found in a fishing netdsc_0149 dsc_0150-copy dsc_0151

Making Ground – Collaboration using both local clay and willow from the River Ouse, Lewes.dsc_0152 dsc_0153

Here the raw materials were presented.dsc_0156 dsc_0157

Repetitions of the same way of joining the willow.dsc_0159

Small tools made from the combination of clay and willow.dsc_0160


Sculptural samples/vessels made from clay, willow, and both.dsc_0162


Details from willow wrapped around clay and fastened with itself.


Walk through the nets to reach the other part of the exhibition space. As the sun shone on the discarded netting it transformed the space. This exhibition helped me think of how I can experiment with ways of combining the amadou, perhaps with fibres such as nettles.

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