March 30

Exploring the subconcious mind exercise : workshop

During this workshop i learned working with more sponteneity and a free mind which then resulted in finding out some interesting aspects abount my subconcious which i wouldn’t have found out had i not participated.


I think from time to time it is a good exercise to check in with yourself and maybe become more self aware as we can sometimes get swept up in our life and not realise what our subconcious has been consuming all this time we’ve been on the go.

Close ups :

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March 30

Lino printing workshop

Studio work :

I thoughrly enjoyed creating this simple lino print as it made me realise I want to incorporate plants into the words ‘threat, bravery and safety’ of this project instead of anxiety like in the letterpressworkshop because it’s a more interesting concept i want to explore further.


March 30

Letterpress workshop

Studio work :

I really enjoyed this worshop, I think it showed me how theraputic and fun creating prints with letters can be in a more traditioanl and graphical aspect as well as the results which were all unique and which I loved the texture of.

I chose to print the words : fight or fligt as a representation of what first comes to mind when I chose the words ‘threat, bravery, safety’ of this project as the idea of anxiety which stemmed from those prompts.

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March 30

Reading the signs – Brief 1 Hidden meanings, making the invisible visible : Step 2

Digital experimental sketches :

While experimenting with digital art i found I really like the type of style i used in procreate as the brush strokes I used remnd me of a technique you wuld use when traditionally painting.

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This quick kitchen digital sketch inspired me about the time I used to live at home and we would always cook together as a family yet now as i live with flatmates who all eat at different times than me it can get a little lonely cooking just by myself and then also eating alone everyday . So I belive an llustartion of a kitchen would be a good representation of a space which has become something i associate with ‘loneliness’.

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March 30

Reading the signs – Brief 1 Hidden meanings, making the invisible visible : Step 2

Primary references, resources and artist research :

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I took inspiration from James Jean and took the time to create loose observational drawings using ink on a A1 sheet of paper (like he did) and found that it was really helpful in making me less focused on detail and more on the actual figure proportions i was observing which i happened to mtake from one of Michel Lauricella’s books of ‘Fat and skin folds’ Morpho series.

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I decided to take a photo of something i’d cooked to represent the ‘congested’ word metaphorically because i think it fits well with what I had in mind when it comes to being ‘lonely’ while doing food shopping yet putting all the food that is just for me into a fridge which I share ‘together’ with three others of my flatmates.

I proceeded to make a collage of it at first to experiment with the layered effect it would give off contributing to the ‘congestion’ of it and all.

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Time laps

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In this 1h study of a food basket I used acrylic paint for its fast drying purposes as i knew from the beginning i was going to create a layered piece of work. I’m not too pleased with how the end result ended up looking as I’m not very fluent in this type of blotchy art style, although it made me realise i really like working with big brush strokes like in my digital pieces. As I really like ths kind of close up composition of the food basket representing the lonely experience of grocery shopping at uni, I want to carry on in this direction during this project.

More artist research :

I’d been experimenting with some fruit photos and decided to try and actually stamp the fruit itself and see if i’d be able to get any sort of reflection. I was supried at how much I was actually bable to get from just vone strawberry and the uiqueness of each stamp and the texture that I want to experiment with more and other foods in this technique.

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March 22

Reading the signs – Brief 1 Hidden meanings, making the invisible visible : Step 1 Edwards Street Fine art exhibition

Research inspiration :

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Most of the work that I went to see was just simply to inspire me to get on with my own work while I work through my own art block, even if I didn’t find exactly anything that relates to this project and what I’ve chosen to do with it, it was still a really nice experience to go visit other people’s work who are possible in the same age group as me.

Some of my favourite pieces I saw :

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My take on one of the pieces in acrylic paint :

I decided to recreate one of the pieces i found while looking around at the art to exercise my freehand painting skills.

It got me thinking of how ‘congested’ this pieces makes me feel due to all the lines overlapping one another.

Although, i don’t think my work will follow in this direction because i would like to add more detail and complexity to metaphoorically convey the words i chose.

Image previewThis piece in particular really spoke to me in terms of its aesthetics and the way this student chose to create this piece representing the ‘Peach’ using techniques of brush strokes and colours I’d never seen anyone use before.










More process pieces from the exhibition :

These journal/notebook notes and way of documenting progress in ones work/project journey really remind me of what I used to do myself when tackling a task and I wan to go back to this kind of way of working hoping it will motivate me to do more independent work moving forward.

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March 22

Collage – Art society

Process of collaging :

In this workshop we were asked to create a collage using a few lyrics from the most recent song we were listening to.

This was a fairly therapeutic way of working and I liked how it made me focus mostly on a specific piece of text, in this case I chose the main chorus of the song ‘Doin’ Time – by Lana Del Ray. It’s one of my favourite songs written and sang by her and create a poster using collage that represented that, made the song that much more special to me.



Final outcomes :

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