Self directed project – Hoarding
My dads hoarding :
As my dads deeply routed issue of hoarding for most of his life, I decided it would be an interesting point of view to research into as a lot of the time i think looking at other peoples spaces (in this case of hoarding) can tell you quite a bit about how the person feels and make you question all sorts, like what specific objects they chose to hoarder and if there’s a specific reason as to why.
Digital sketches :
i wanted to continue in this blotchy style as I found that I was able to create faster digitally and without having the feeling of permentantly messing up if i did with a colour or the composition. And actually, by doing these studies digitally i realised i felt more free in doing mistakes because i knew that at the back of my head i could always go back if i wished so (although i tried not to, so that i could get a feel of a raw drawing which also has its own mistakes), than if i stuck with painting or drawing these studies traditionally with paint or markers etc.