April 22

Reading the signs – Brief 1 Hidden meanings, making the invisible visible : Step 2

Further food stamping experimentation process:

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Pre-scanned work:

Materials used :

80g print paper, smooth.

Acrylic paint in the colours: aqcuamarine blue and green.

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I decided to add paint on top of the fruit isndtead as some fruits in this cse the pear and lemon don’t have very vibrant natural fruit juice so the stamping process wouln’t have worked as well as it did with the starwbrerries.

Scanned-in work:

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I really enjoyed this from of process and creating hoewver I wanted to trey and do it on different coloured backgrounds go see if it would have a more put-togetehr outlook instead of looking as random fruit stamps floating around. Although I do still love the unnique patterns i was able to achive as each stamp has its own opacity and original texture.

Further experiments:

I wasn’t too pleased with these prints as maybe they drifted away from my initial idea of conveying congestion with food as this display is too structured and not as explicit to potray a metaphorical messege of ‘congestion’ in my opinion.

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In order to achieve this I used : Acrylic paint, aquamarine blue and black. Also, used 160g card paper which was quite smooth and therefore the paint transferred quite well from the fruit.


Posted April 22, 2022 by Fran in category AGP403 task 1 - project 5

About the Author

Hi and welcome! This space is dedicated for me to post my progress as an artist, showcasing the processes of the art I create along with research I find along the way :)

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